For some men having a thick beard is a masculine symbol or to attract women's attention. Especially now beard is also considered a trendy style. However, besides its benefits aesthetically, also know the benefits medically and how to care for it right. Let's find out!
Various methods are used so that the beard can grow more bushy, such as letting it grow bushy and not shaving it or using hair growth agents. Beard growth is influenced by genetic or hereditary factors. It is also caused by the hormone testosterone, the sex hormone in men.
Protect from the Sun.
Dense beards are believed to protect the face from harmful UV rays, but this still needs further research by experts. However beard is not considered as an alternative to sun protection but rather as an inhibiting factor. To protect facial skin from UV rays, sunscreens, especially those in the nose, cheeks, eyes and forehead, are at high risk of skin cancer. In addition, some inflammation of the hair follicles, such as irritant folliculitis, bacterial folliculitis, and pseudofolikulitis barbae, can appear on the bearded area that is injured due to shaving. So that by maintaining a beard, it can actually prevent the condition. However, without proper care, maintaining a beard can also cause problems, because bacteria, viruses, dirt, even mold can be trapped and thrived. For this reason, treating beards properly is important for men who decide they want to keep a beard.Tips for Caring for a Beard
There is no prohibition on growing beard to be thick or trim it clean. But the most important thing is to be able to care for a thick beard to keep it looking neat and healthy. Here's how to care for beards to stay healthy:Clean the beard regularly
Just like hair, beards also need to be washed or shampooed using shampoo several times a week. Don't wash the beard using bar soap which is used for bathing. Adding conditioner after shampooing is also permissible if necessary to maintain the beard so as not to stiff and look limp, but still feels soft and clean, and easy to manage.
Use non-comedogenic products
Any product that you use directly to treat the beard will also affect the skin behind it, so it might clog pores. By choosing non-comedogenic products to help you avoid skin problems such as blackheads and pimples.
Shaving Beard.
Even if you want to maintain a long, thick beard, it doesn't hurt to shave a little every two months, or at least trim it by cutting the edges to look neat again.
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